Voilà un jeu pour pratiquer identifier le vocabulaire de la maison:
Jeu (maison)
Remember, you don't have to login to access the quiz, just click on the link, then the right side of the page to do the quiz.
Pratique de langue, culture et guide de voyage pour la France et d'autres pays francophones

Pratique des verbes (images)
Pouvez-vous identifiez les verbes et les temps dans ces affiches ?
Amey a pris toutes les photos en France.
Amey a pris toutes les photos en France.
Pratique des verbes (intermédiaire)
Etes-vous familier avec les temps des verbes ? Voilà un exercice en ligne pour identifier les verbes et les temps.
Les verbes sont dans ces temps (tenses):
au présent
au passé composé
à l'imparfait
au futur
au futur proche
au conditionnel
You don't have to register to play the quiz. Just click on the right half of the screen after you follow the link. The question order changes if you want to take it again. There's no limit!
Voilà le quiz: Verb Tenses #1
Les verbes sont dans ces temps (tenses):
au présent
au passé composé
à l'imparfait
au futur
au futur proche
au conditionnel
You don't have to register to play the quiz. Just click on the right half of the screen after you follow the link. The question order changes if you want to take it again. There's no limit!
Voilà le quiz: Verb Tenses #1
Pratique de prononciation
C'est la même prononciation ?
Pratique (mid-beginner)
Les verbes en -ER (réponses aux questions)
Jouer ou faire ? (2 exercices)
Les destinations (pays, états, villes)
Avoir mal à... (les parties du corps)
Quel temps fait-il ? (expressions)
Les modes de transport (en, à)
Jouer ou faire ? (2 exercices)
Les destinations (pays, états, villes)
Avoir mal à... (les parties du corps)
Quel temps fait-il ? (expressions)
Les modes de transport (en, à)
Pratique de grammaire (intermédiaire)
Voilà quelques interros pour pratiquer la grammaire.
Verbes + à / de
Qui, que, dont, où
Les participes passés (verbes irréguliers)
Le remplacement des pronoms (le, la, l', les, me, te, nous, vous, lui, leur, y, en)
Verbes + à / de
Qui, que, dont, où
Les participes passés (verbes irréguliers)
Le remplacement des pronoms (le, la, l', les, me, te, nous, vous, lui, leur, y, en)
Pratique de vocabulaire (débutant)
Voici un interro pour pratiquer le vocabulaire. Vous identifiez si le mot est masculin ou féminin par l'adjectif possessif (mon, ma, mes, etc.).
The quiz is free and you don't need to sign up to access it. Simply click on the link to take it.
La famille (masculin/féminin)
Basic vocab (masculin/féminin)
La maison (masculin/féminin)
The quiz is free and you don't need to sign up to access it. Simply click on the link to take it.
La famille (masculin/féminin)
Basic vocab (masculin/féminin)
La maison (masculin/féminin)
What's My Level?
Sometimes it can seem difficult to figure out which class is best. The levels described below are specific to Amey's courses, but are related to other foreign language methods.
There is no pre-test required to take any course. You may change classes if you decide the level is not right for you.
Comfortable with a few words and some functional sentences and questions to get by in a very basic conversation. Emphasis on pronunciation, numbers, common vocabulary, asking and answering standard questions for normal conversations and travel situations.
Able to put simple sentences together, with limited vocabulary and verbs. Mostly comfortable with
-ER verbs, but can use a few irregular verbs. Navigating with difficulty in the present and past.
Advanced Beginner
Able to put sentences together in the present, past and future tenses, slowly. Vocabulary on a variety of topics, but recalling the right word can be difficult. Getting more aware of irregular verbs and common grammar difficulties (adverbs, pronouns, etc.).
Low Intermediate
Getting more comfortable recalling vocabulary as required by context. Sentences becoming more fluid, using different tenses and grammatical structures. Need consistent practice to retain and comprehend structures.
Able to use more complicated structures, though sometimes everything gets jumbled up and there are big pauses. Working to expand vocabulary.
High Intermediate
Has been introduced to a lot of tenses and vocabulary, but needs practice to develop fluidity speaking and writing.
Just needs practice to gain confidence and fluidity. Able to read a variety of written material.
Bonjour, je m'appelle Jérôme. Mon adresse, c'est le 13 rue Balthazar. J'habite à Toulouse, et je suis étudiant. Je ne suis pas marié. Mon anniversaire, c'est le 16 février.
Quelle est la date ?
Quelle heure est-il ?
Quelle est votre profession ?
Etes-vous marié ?
Avez-vous des enfants?
Où habitez-vous ?
Mon frère s'appelle Vladimir.
Il habite à Moscou. J'aime voyager.
Il a deux chiens, et il n'a pas d'enfants.
Cette semaine chez moi, on travaille beaucoup.
Nous avons un grand projet et il n'y a pas assez de temps. Zut!
Aimez-vous faire du surf ?
Où est-ce que vous aimez manger ?
Qu'est-ce que tu as fait ce week-end ?
Advanced Beginner
Le mois passé, mes cousins étaient ici. Ils habitent au Canada, et ils sont venus aux Etats-Unis pour les vacances. Nous avons fait beaucoup d'activités ensemble. Maintenant ils sont partis et je suis un peu triste. La maison est très silencieuse.
Avez-vous des cousins ? Où habitent-ils ?
Qu'aimez-vous faire en été ?
Qu'est-ce que vous faites pendant les vacances ?
Low Intermediate
Quand j'étais petit, j'adorais visiter la ferme de mes grands-parents. Ils avaient beaucoup d'animaux, et mon préféré était un cheval qui s'appelait Claude. Il était très intelligent, et chaque fois à mon arrivée, il me reconnaissait.
Aviez-vous des animaux quand vous étiez petit ?
Aimez-vous les chevaux ?
Elles étaient déjà parties quand leurs parents sont revenus samedi passé.
Demain il faut absolument que je fasse le linge.
Hier nous sommes allés à un grand jardin où il y avait des fleurs de toutes couleurs.
Qu'est-ce que vous devez faire aujourd'hui ?
Pourquoi n'alliez-vous au cinéma pendant votre enfance ?
High Intermediate
Lorsque vous devez vous rendre au supermarché, lequel choisiriez-vous ? Dans notre opinion, le meilleur supermarché est celui qui vous offre le plus de choix, la meilleure qualité et les meilleures marques au meilleur prix. Nous le disons sans hésitation: Centre Maurice vous offre tout!
Avez-vous une préférence comme supermarché ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
There is no pre-test required to take any course. You may change classes if you decide the level is not right for you.
Level Descriptions
BeginnerComfortable with a few words and some functional sentences and questions to get by in a very basic conversation. Emphasis on pronunciation, numbers, common vocabulary, asking and answering standard questions for normal conversations and travel situations.
Able to put simple sentences together, with limited vocabulary and verbs. Mostly comfortable with
-ER verbs, but can use a few irregular verbs. Navigating with difficulty in the present and past.
Advanced Beginner
Able to put sentences together in the present, past and future tenses, slowly. Vocabulary on a variety of topics, but recalling the right word can be difficult. Getting more aware of irregular verbs and common grammar difficulties (adverbs, pronouns, etc.).
Low Intermediate
Getting more comfortable recalling vocabulary as required by context. Sentences becoming more fluid, using different tenses and grammatical structures. Need consistent practice to retain and comprehend structures.
Able to use more complicated structures, though sometimes everything gets jumbled up and there are big pauses. Working to expand vocabulary.
High Intermediate
Has been introduced to a lot of tenses and vocabulary, but needs practice to develop fluidity speaking and writing.
Just needs practice to gain confidence and fluidity. Able to read a variety of written material.
These samples demonstrate typical sentence structures of each level. Structures presented here are introduced/reviewed at that level, so you don't need to be able to understand everything to be at that level. If you can understand at least half, it's probably the right level for you.
Bonjour, je m'appelle Jérôme. Mon adresse, c'est le 13 rue Balthazar. J'habite à Toulouse, et je suis étudiant. Je ne suis pas marié. Mon anniversaire, c'est le 16 février.
Quelle est la date ?
Quelle heure est-il ?
Quelle est votre profession ?
Etes-vous marié ?
Avez-vous des enfants?
Où habitez-vous ?
Mon frère s'appelle Vladimir.
Il habite à Moscou. J'aime voyager.
Il a deux chiens, et il n'a pas d'enfants.
Cette semaine chez moi, on travaille beaucoup.
Nous avons un grand projet et il n'y a pas assez de temps. Zut!
Aimez-vous faire du surf ?
Où est-ce que vous aimez manger ?
Qu'est-ce que tu as fait ce week-end ?
Advanced Beginner
Le mois passé, mes cousins étaient ici. Ils habitent au Canada, et ils sont venus aux Etats-Unis pour les vacances. Nous avons fait beaucoup d'activités ensemble. Maintenant ils sont partis et je suis un peu triste. La maison est très silencieuse.
Avez-vous des cousins ? Où habitent-ils ?
Qu'aimez-vous faire en été ?
Qu'est-ce que vous faites pendant les vacances ?
Low Intermediate
Quand j'étais petit, j'adorais visiter la ferme de mes grands-parents. Ils avaient beaucoup d'animaux, et mon préféré était un cheval qui s'appelait Claude. Il était très intelligent, et chaque fois à mon arrivée, il me reconnaissait.
Aviez-vous des animaux quand vous étiez petit ?
Aimez-vous les chevaux ?
Elles étaient déjà parties quand leurs parents sont revenus samedi passé.
Demain il faut absolument que je fasse le linge.
Hier nous sommes allés à un grand jardin où il y avait des fleurs de toutes couleurs.
Qu'est-ce que vous devez faire aujourd'hui ?
Pourquoi n'alliez-vous au cinéma pendant votre enfance ?
High Intermediate
Lorsque vous devez vous rendre au supermarché, lequel choisiriez-vous ? Dans notre opinion, le meilleur supermarché est celui qui vous offre le plus de choix, la meilleure qualité et les meilleures marques au meilleur prix. Nous le disons sans hésitation: Centre Maurice vous offre tout!
Avez-vous une préférence comme supermarché ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
Fall 2015 Offerings
Fall is here! Whether you want to learn for travel, fun or school, there's an option for you this term!
Browse the listings and see what sounds good to you! There are offerings throughout the term, and some allow you to drop in without committing to a full term.
Classes are offered through 3 sources: LCC, Willamalane and Amey. There is a separate post explaining how to register, with contact details for all three. Another post demonstrates the type of language covered at each of the levels, so you can determine which is best for you.
Contact Amey directly if you have any questions. You will receive directions to Amey's center when you register for a class with her. If you need directions to LCC downtown center, feel free to contact her. Classes through Willamalane are held at Amey's center.
Browse the listings and see what sounds good to you! There are offerings throughout the term, and some allow you to drop in without committing to a full term.
Classes are offered through 3 sources: LCC, Willamalane and Amey. There is a separate post explaining how to register, with contact details for all three. Another post demonstrates the type of language covered at each of the levels, so you can determine which is best for you.
Contact Amey directly if you have any questions. You will receive directions to Amey's center when you register for a class with her. If you need directions to LCC downtown center, feel free to contact her. Classes through Willamalane are held at Amey's center.
Cultural Classes
Tuesdays 6-8 pm Sept. 22 & 29
$29 (in-district) $34 (out-of-district)
Focused on French pronunciation so you can say with confidence any French word you encounter in a book, menu or bottle! Also discusses cuisine, wine vocabulary and expressions, etiquette in restaurants and at home and differences between French and American cooking styles. Taught in a fun, relaxed environment. Bring a friend! Through Willamalane.
Tuesdays 6-8 pm Oct. 6-Nov. 10 $99
It's never too late or early to get ready for a trip to France. Learn some basic French to get along in any situation, plus get unique ideas for itineraries, lodging, dining, gifts, transportation and more. Valuable for independent travel and guided tours. No class Oct. 20. Through LCC (downtown).
Tuesday Oct. 20 6-8 pm
$18 (in-district) $21 (out-of-district)
Learn the correct pronunciation and meaning of common French words used in the world of antiquing. Also covers a little about French historical time periods to recognize important characteristics of different styles. Bring a friend for a fun evening! Through Willamalane.
Beginning Level Language Classes
Mondays 6-8 pm Oct. 5-Dec. 7 $165
Learn the basic foundational skills to speak French with anyone, in any context. Great to prepare for a trip, a credit program or just to increase your brainpower! Games, songs and realistic contexts get you speaking from day one. Through LCC (downtown location).
Wednesdays 6-8 pm Sept. 9-30 $50 or $15/session
Review important common vocabulary and verbs, focusing on speaking and listening comprehension. Suitable for all purposes, but really great for back-to-school review, preparing for a trip, or getting ready for a language placement exam. Through French With Amey.
Tuesdays 2-3:15 pm Sept. 15-Dec. 8 $130
Improve all your skills: reading, writing, listening comprehension, grammar, vocabulary. Open to all ages, but coursework specifically designed to reflect traditional French 2 or 201 curriculum. No class Nov. 24. Through French With Amey.
Tuesdays 2-3:15 pm Sept. 15-Dec. 8 $130
Improve all your skills: reading, writing, listening comprehension, grammar, vocabulary. Open to all ages, but coursework specifically designed to reflect traditional French 2 or 201 curriculum. No class Nov. 24. Through French With Amey.
Wednesdays 6-8 pm Oct. 7-Nov. 4 $99
Don't have time for a full term? Just a few sessions focused on vocabulary, grammar and culture
will develop your speaking and listening comprehension skills. Short reading and writing practice too. Suitable for anyone with some knowledge of French, even if was a decade or two ago. Through LCC (downtown location).
will develop your speaking and listening comprehension skills. Short reading and writing practice too. Suitable for anyone with some knowledge of French, even if was a decade or two ago. Through LCC (downtown location).
Wednesdays 6-8pm Nov. 18, Dec. 2, 9, 16 $50 or $15/session
Suitable for anyone wanting to review key vocabulary and verbs to communicate in common situations. Emphasis on speaking and listening comprehension, but reading and written practice too. Through French With Amey.
Conversational Classes
Mid-Beginner Conversation
Thursdays 10:30-noon Sept. 10-Dec. 10 $110/term or $12/session
Conversational Classes
Mid-Intermediate Conversation
Thursdays 4-5:30 Sept. 10-Dec. 10 $110/term or $12/session
Advancing Intermediate Conversation
Fridays 1-2:30 Sept. 18-Dec. 18 $110/term or $12/session
Conversation & Reading
Improve all your French skills (oral, written, grammar, vocabulary) while reading a popular book in French appropriate for your level. Many activities to connect the story within a modern context.
Through French With Amey.
Through French With Amey.
Low Intermediate
Mondays 12:45-2:15 Sept. 7-Dec. 14 $110
Tuesdays 10:30-noon Sept. 4-Dec. 11 $110
High Intermediate
Mondays & Wednesdays 10-11:30 Sept. 2-Dec. 14 $300
Build your speaking and listening comprehension skills and practice with other French speakers. Learn some new vocabulary and share your thoughts on the topic. Games too! Recommended for those with at least the Advancing Beginner level.
Saturday Sept. 19 6-8pm $10 thème: Education
Saturday Sept. 19 6-8pm $10 thème: Education
Saturday Oct. 24 6-8pm $10 thème: Le moyen âge
Saturday Nov. 14 6-8pm $10 thème: Le vin
Monday Dec. 12 6-8pm $10 thème: Noël (all levels welcome)
Build your speaking and listening comprehension skills and practice with other French speakers. Learn some new vocabulary and do activities focused on the topic. Recommended for those with at least the Mid-Beginner level.
Saturday Oct. 3 10-noon $10 thème: Le moyen âge
Saturday Nov. 7 10-noon $10 thème: Le vin
Monday Dec. 12 10-noon $10 thème: Noël (all levels welcome)
How do I register ?
Ready to sign up for a class?
You must register in advance so the class isn't cancelled due to low enrollment, and because space is limited! Each course listing states where to register.
French With Amey
541 746 1060
Send a message (phone or email) with your name, class and contact information.
Payment: At first class (cash or check)
Lane Community College Continuing Education
541 463 6100
Online form for registration
Payment: online or in person at downtown center (cash, check or card)
Willamalane Adult Activity Center
541 736 4444
Registration online or by phone
Payment: online or in person (cash, check or card)
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