To save some money, you plan to cook your own meals at the place you are staying. You have a microwave (micro-ondes), but not an oven (four).
un hypermarché en France
un petit supermarché
- You have to do shopping for a week's worth of food.
- You can do your shopping at either of these stores:
- Monoprix les courses en ligne
- Auchan les courses en ligne
- Select items from different parts of the store.
- You need to get:
- breakfast items
- lunch items
- dinner items (to cook, or pre-made items from the surgelés or traiteur areas)
- some fruit
- some vegetables
- beverages ? (coffee/tea/juice/water)
- desserts ?
- anything else you'd like
- Assemble all your food images into a word document or PowerPoint-style presentation that represents your "shopping cart" (chariot) or basket (panier).
- Organize each page or slide to represent one category (boissons, petit déjeuner, etc.)
- Explain what you will make with the food items to show you have enough food for the full week.
- Put the price of each item and the quantity you are getting.
- If you want to buy organic items, click on the bio heading.
- When you have all your pages assembled:
- Calculate the total cost (in euros)
- Indicate your method of payment
- carte de crédit (credit card)
- carte bancaire (debit card)
- en espèces (cash)
Voilà les supermarchés en France:
Many of these supermarchés offer online shopping (les courses en ligne) with services for home delivery (livraison à domicile) or in-store pickup (drive).
Start shopping!
Auchan: site-web pour les courses en ligne
Monoprix: site-web officiel pour les courses en ligne